
Creating strong, provocative relationships between good companies and their customers.

Business Email Blaster

Our Email Blaster is a complete, all-in-one bulk email solution for your business with a web-based system that offers a range of features you won’t find anywhere else. It’s cheaper and easier to use than most popular services, and offers enterprise-level detailed statistics, easy multi-subscriber list management, scheduling, automation and more.

See full details and pricing here (new tab).
See customer manual (PDF in new tab).

Click to register a free account with 9000 monthly emails to try it out.

Increase sales and profits by connecting with people through email. Our email marketing service keeps highly targeted lists up to date and verified. We receive new data on businesses, their customers and various B2B databases every month, including some internal company data. In addition, our platform manages campaign sends and tracks performance. We can send to our database, pre-compiled from multiple lists, and within a collection of others.

For regular businesses, please see our MediumAxis service (managed email campaigns, we do all the work for you) with a selection of pre-built email lists of different geographies, industries, consumer types ready to be blasted with your message.

In addition to managed mailings and blaster, we also offer services such as






  • 吸引更具体、更合格的受众
  • 根据理想客户的需求和愿望定制您的消息传递
  • 适用于任何企业的列表,无论您的市场有多小众
  • 更高的相关性,从而带来更大的参与度和响应


通过报告,可以轻松查看您的电子邮件的执行情况 - 有多少封电子邮件被打开,哪些电子邮件的点击次数最多等等 - 这样您就可以了解哪些内容有效,并使每封电子邮件都比上一封更成功。



  • 提高电子邮件数据库的质量和数量 
  • 清除垃圾邮件陷阱和不良电子邮件,以提高送达率和提升转化率
  • 使用 30 个诊断代码查看哪些电子邮件有问题以及原因
国际壮举带来客户回来 tdx-780x650


这是事实:留住现有客户的成本低于赢得新客户的成本。因此,请通过现代、优雅的电子邮件来表达您的企业个性,让您的回头率更高。通过 CSV 文件或仅粘贴地址来创建您的列表。剩下的由我们处理。

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